Press review
20071201 Rolling Stone - Freakecology
20070524 Panorama - This planet has never been so hospitable
20080201 Rolling Stone - Good or Bad?
20080301 Ants - The other environmentalist
20080301 Rolling Stone - Ecology of coherence
20080320 L'Espresso - Nuclear Renaissance
20080401 QE - The nuclear power of Testa
20080409 Vanity Fair - Nuclear? Yes thanks
20080501 First Communication - I was a bad teacher
20080501 Rolling Stone - Astropiccolezze
20080501 Times - Nuclear, let's think again
20080516 The World - Hands off the Acea
20080522 National Daily - Nuclear power is the only alternative. But in the Italy of the no it would be a miracle
20080523 Il Riformista - Nucleare. At least it does not pollute, it's worth trying
20080529 Il Sole 24 Ore - If Finland does school
20080601 Rolling Stone - Macabre accounts
20080606 Il Riformista - Not even nuclear accidents are those of the past
20080609 Il Messaggero - Choice required. And also environmentalist
20080609 L'Unità - Emme interview with Chicco Testa
20080619 Corriere della Sera Magazine - Doubts and promises. The ten open points of nuclear power
20080621 Il Riformista - But why does gas and coal do and the atom does not? Environmentalists forget the greenhouse effect
20080701 The Reformist - Head and the Nuclear (letter)
20080701 Rolling Stone - Natural calculations
20080702 Il Riformista - Cara Europa. it's austerity time
20080711 Il Riformista - Eluana Englaro, our Terry Schiavo. But it was not life
20080801 Rolling Stone - False truth
20080901 Rolling Stone - There would be a bet at stake. To be verified in a while
20081001 Rolling Stone - The most adaptable animal species? For sure, the human one
20081101 Rolling Stone - The best diet? The vegetarian one. With the steak bonus ...
20081201 Rolling Stone - You say "tomorrow" and you say a lot of things. A comma is enough.
20090113 Il Riformista - Obama's very GMO hamburger
20090201 Rolling Stone - What a pity: Italy still remains a country for old people
20090217 The Reformist - Rome is too dirty. Forza Mayor, privatizes
20090225 Il Riformista - The nuclear power plants of Cav. and electoral promises
20090228 Il Riformista - Is nuclear business a business? Also photovoltaics
20090301 Ants - Here is environmentalism 2.0
20090301 Rolling Stone - The fight against hunger in the world and the figures to tell it
20090306 Il Riformista - What the hell do I do with the tetra pack?
20090309 Today - Nuclear: Berlusconi does well to accelerate to have reactors by 2020?
20090318 La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - Puglia also evaluates nuclear power
20090331 Dossier Lombardia - Nucleare, a safe and responsible choice
20090401 Rolling Stone - Eulogy of consumption, but only if it is an investment
20090403 Il Riformista - A life at bargain prices
20090501 Rolling Stone - Open-minded thoughts on population growth
20090511 La Provincia - Nuclear power can not be avoided
20090601 Rolling Stone - We do not care for live nature anymore. Better a picture
20090709 The Reformist - Life lasts for the green economy
20090710 Corriere della Sera - That block lasted 23 years. Head: the protest was ideological
20090719 The Reformist - The richer you are the less polluted. The environmentalist paradox
20090801 Rolling Stone - We, who were twenty years old at the time of Woodstock
20090818 Corriere della Sera - Clean but unsafe hydroelectric plants. Better nuclear power
20090901 Rolling Stone - How hot will it be? Ecchissenefrega. We think of energy
20090908 AffariItaliani - The first power plants in Italy? In the former sites
20091001 Rolling Stone - Esser mother by choice: do you want to make that difference?
20091006 Agi Energia - Nuclear energy, energy of the 21st century?
20091011 Il Riformista - Milan, EXPO 2015 and the celebration of the good old days
20091015 Il Riformista - In the world they grow hungry and fed
20091101 Rolling Stone - Against Disaster. Friends included
20091113 Il Riformista - The world will not end in Copenhagen
20091119 Corriere della Sera Magazine - I'll explain what the Pimby syndrome is. And because we reward those who have it
20091201 Rolling Stone - An educational story against optimism
20091203 Il Riformista - Those that can not be said to be anti-Berlusconi
20091206 Il Riformista - Meno Co2? The carbon tax is enough
20091211 Europe - Antinuclearists, how many errors
20091217 Province of Como - It is necessary to dispel the commonplaces on nuclear power
20091222 Il Riformista - Integralism does not save the environment
2010 Rolling Stone - Evolution is not yet complete. Fortunately for us
20100115 Il Riformista - Do you want happiness? Start with the GDP
20100201 Rolling Stone - Are we sure that planting a palm grove is right?
20090209 Il Riformista - Nuclear power is leftist
20100212 Il Sole 24 Ore - Nuclear, I approve the decree, not the stadium debate
20100218 Il Riformista - Obama, the nuclear in green
20090301 Rolling Stone - On the old school aesthetics of the Ettaletta tarallucci & vino
20090401 Rolling Stone - The last episode of this column is dedicated to bullfighting
20100413 Il Riformista - Edmondo Berselli and the loss of his books to come
20100423 Il Riformista - If the former card No. 1 of the Democratic Party wants to reduce taxes
20100427 Il Riformista - Better nuclear power
20100513 The Reformist - No to nuclear has no real reason
20100515 Il Riformista - Letters between Tozzi and Testa ...
20100714 Il Sole 24 Ore - The nuclear today? It is safe, convenient and clean
20100725 Il Riformista - The Democratic Party breaks the atom on Veronesi
20100813 Il Riformista - The left fights for the expensive wine
20100813 the Reformist - And no, you can not attack Vasco
20100818 Il Riformista - See that you happen if you ask for good wine for everyone
20100910 Il Riformista - Chiamparino choose either Marchionne or Vendola
20100921 Il Riformista - How many mistakes on nuclear power
20101201 Il Riformista - Where is the green economy?
20101204 Il Riformista - Easy to say "addiction"
20101212 The Reformist - Cancun has given birth only to other green bureaucracy
20101216 Il Giornale - We overcome prejudices and think about the future
Chicco Testa
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